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A tragic car accident killed this family’s three children. A year later a true miracle happens to them!

The grief was unbearable. Chris and Lori live in an area with loads of families with children. Every time they heard a child laugh, they closed the windows and hid away in a back room of their house. During Halloween, they went away so they wouldn’t have to face the children that would be knocking on their door. Chris and Lori explained that on some days, suicide seemed like the only option. Yet they decided to stay alive and keep on fighting, and that they would never abandon one another.

They also made another decision. Three months after the accident, they decided to try to have children again. Since the accident they had described themselves as parents without children. It was time for a change and they tried IVF. Miraculously, Lori became pregnant with not one, not two, but three children: two girls and a boy. Just like Emma, Katie and Kyle! A year after the car accident in which they lost Kyle, Emma and Katie, the triplets were born: Ashley, Elie and Jake. Chris and Lori explain that the triplets will never replace Kyle, Emma and Katie, but that they brought happiness back into their home and hearts.

Watch the video in which Chris and Lori tell their unbelievable story below.

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