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A tragic car accident killed this family’s three children. A year later a true miracle happens to them!

car accident

Happiness and sadness lie so close together

You can’t imagine what it’s like to lose your children, unless something like that has sadly happened to you as well. It’s incredibly difficult or even impossible to pick up the pieces of your life after something like that and go on living. Luckily, Chris and Lori managed to do it. They lost all three of their children in a tragic car accident…

Happy family
Little Kyle was celebrating his 5th birthday, together with his two sisters; 4-year-old Emma and 2-year-old Katie. Grandma Cindy was also there. They were all on the road towards a theme park and Kyle was excited about a zoo in the area. Everyone was cheerful and happy. The day flew past and when it was time to go back home, they all got back into the van. Soon, they got stuck in an huge traffic jam. Lori turned around to tie her daughter Katie’s shoe laces. That was the last time she would see her daughter smile.


Car accident
Suddenly a truck smashed into the van at high speed. Lori and her mother were unconscious immediately. The children were brought into the hospital, all heavily injured. When Lori’s husband Chris was contacted, he rushed to the hospital, but he was too late already. Emma and Katie had both passed away. At first, there was hope that Kyle would survive, but after a while the doctors told them that he wouldn’t make it. With extreme sadness in their hearts, they had to let the medical staff turn off the life support systems that were keeping Kyle alive.

Move on to the next page to read how Chris and Lori picked up their lives again after this tragic accident, and about the miracle that happened to them.

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