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This photo shows just how much Princess Charlotte looks like her grandma Diana

princess charlotte

She’s the spitting image of Diana

Princess Diana was incredibly loved in the United Kingdom (and the rest of the world) and the British people still speak highly of the mother of Prince William and Prince Harry. It appears that Prince William and Kate Middleton’s daughter is going to steal just as many hearts as her grandmother (if she hasn’t done so already). Princess Charlotte is the absolute spitting image of her grandmother Diana.


The little girl is only three years old, but she’s got a place in the hearts of many people around the world already. Many fans of Diana are excited to see how much sweet Charlotte looks like her grandma. We have to admit as well, if you look closely, you’ll see her eyes are the same as Diana’s. The shape of her nose, too, is very similar to her grandmother’s.

Princess Charlotte

Princess Charlotte is the second child of Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton. The girl was born on May 2, 2015, and was named after her grandmother and great-grandmother. Her full name is Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.


On Instagram, someone posted a picture of Charlotte next to a picture of Diana as a child and these make it very clear how much the two look alike. The eyes especially seem to be exactly the same, but the nose and the rest of the face are very similar as well. We all know what Diana looked like when she got older. Will Charlotte look like her beautiful grandmother? We can’t wait to see her grow up and find out!

Read more: Prince George turned 5! Here are 5 times he completely warmed our hearts

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Source: Instagram | Image: video still