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4 ways to keep your feet warm in winter


Jump up and down or go nuts on a trampoline. This is a great idea to get your blood circulation going. When you jump up and down, blood and oxygen get pumped throughout your entire body, including your fingers and toes. You can also choose to not really jump, but make a jump-like motion while your feet remain on the ground. This way you won’t burden your joints as much.

Wear baggy clothes

You might have deduced by now that a good blood circulation is important when you want to keep warm. Although you might be inclined to wear a ton of layers on top of one another, this isn’t always the best idea. By wearing tight clothing like socks or belts, you might hinder your blood circulation. That’s why it’s better to wear loose layers to keep warm.

Massage your feet

A foot has more than 2000 nerve ends. If you want to help along your blood circulation, it’s a good idea to massage your feet. Place one hand on top of your foot and one hand on the bottom. Use both hands to firmly rub your foot. Massage the entire foot, from toe to heel. Finally, squeeze every toe (not too hard) and wiggle them. Repeat for the other foot.

Read more: Get ready for winter by DIY-ing these amazing blankets. It’s really easy!

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Source: Women’s World | Image: Pexels

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