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Wow! This man spends 9 months working on a giant jigsaw puzzle and the result is amazing!

jigsaw puzzle

That is one enormous jigsaw puzzle!

They say patience is a virtue. If that’s true, this man is about the most virtuous man on earth, because he spent nine (!) months working on one giant jigsaw puzzle. Fair is fair; the result is pretty amazing!

Would you have enough patience for this enormous puzzle?

Thousands of pieces

The Daily Mail shared a special video of a man who spent nine months working on one enormous puzzle. The man filmed the entire process from start to finish and made a giant time lapse out of it. In the sped up video you can see how the man sorts 33,600 puzzle pieces and then puts the entire thing together.


Because the puzzle is so huge, the man works in separate parts. It takes a little time before you see what the puzzle ends up looking like, but after the different parts are put together, a beautiful picture appears. Would you like doing such an enormous puzzle?

Take a look at the video below:

Read more: This artist placed 66.000 plastic cups of water next to each other and THIS is the result! Wow!

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Source: Daily Mail | Image: video still Daily Mail