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This picture of an IKEA ad is taking the internet by storm for a hilarious reason!


At first glance, it just looks like a normal IKEA ad

When you’re at IKEA, it’s almost impossible not to stop at the IKEA restaurant for a quick bite to eat, or at least get a tasty snack after you’ve paid for your stuff. Some ice cream, the Swedish meatballs or a hot dog; yum! A picture of that last snack is currently going around the internet for a very funny reason!

The internet is being its wonderful, witty self.

50 cents

At the IKEA store in question, customers only have to pay 50 cents to get one of those delicious hot dogs. IKEA wants as many people as possible to know about this great deal, and what’s a better way to do that than to hang a giant sign in the store? The IKEA ad says: “Beef hot dog, 50c”. So far so good.


Seems like a regular ad, right? Yet a lot of people are talking about it anyway. That’s because the sign (which is several meters long) also says: “not actual size”. To most people that would have been obvious, so the internet did what it does best: it started making jokes about it. “Wow, I always wanted to have a hot dog that’s six meters long,” one person said on Twitter.

Read more: THIS is the biggest IKEA secret that hardly anybody knows about!

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Source: Libelle | Image: Twitter