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This is your driving style according to your zodiac sign! Does your description fit?

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

Pisces are very serious about hygiene which is why many of them clean their car at least once a month. They are very relaxed drivers and having a nice car is very important to them. That’s why they like to drive a sports car or a different type of flashy car.

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

Aries aren’t known for their self-control in traffic. Research shows that 28 per cent of Aries doesn’t take the other people on the road into account. Aries attach a lot of value to having a nice car. Another fun fact: Aries are most likely to give their cars a nickname. These are also the people who most often forget to lock their cars.

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

Data provided by the insurance company shows that the Taurus has the biggest chance of getting a fender bender. Why is this? Well, it turns out people with this star sign are very bad at parking – the worst out of all star signs, actually. One in four Taurus drivers admits to having hit something while parking at some point. The Taurus is stubborn and won’t usually choose the easiest road.

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

Geminis love to drive and they know what they’re doing. No less than 57 per cent of them managed to get their license the first time around. Geminis are reliable drivers and they prefer to sit behind the wheel themselves instead of being driven by someone else. That’s why they always criticise other people’s driving styles, which can cause a lot of frustration when you’ve got a Gemini with you in the passenger seat.

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

When it comes to parking, Cancers score the highest. They’ve got a lot of confidence when they have to park and they never have any trouble parking anywhere. This mostly has to do with the fact that Cancers are careful.

Haven’t found your star sign yet? Go to the next page!

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