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Royal family aides have crisis meetings about Meghan Markle’s father’s behaviour


Thomas Markle’s behaviour towards Meghan has caused quite a stir in the royal family

Thomas Markle, Meghan Markle’s father, has been in the news several times lately because of his bold statements about his daughter. He feels ignored and excluded by his daughter, who supposedly doesn’t want any contact with him anymore. That’s why he lashed out at Meghan, Harry and the royal family in an interview that lasted nine (!) hours. And the royals aren’t happy about it…

There are three thought-out scenarios of what to do next.


It’s been clear for a while now that Meghan’s family isn’t afraid of the press. Both her father and her sister Samantha love to talk to the media. Especially Thomas Markle likes to make himself heard because of course he knows his daughter best, or so he says. He says he no longer has any contact with Meghan, even though he does really want it. He feels cast aside by his daughter because she no longer calls him and he has no way of reaching her. He also says he’s sad that he might not get the opportunity to be there for any future grandchildren of his.


Thomas partly blames the royal family for the fact he can no longer speak to his daughter, but he doesn’t many kind words for Meghan either. He says she’s ungrateful and feels superior to him. According to Thomas, he’s done everything for his daughter and paid for her expensive education. “She became the woman that she is today thanks to everything I did for her. And did I get any recognition for it? Any thanks? She doesn’t even speak to me now. How cold is that?” is what the indignant Thomas Markle said to the British press.

Three options

Because the situation seems to be escalating, the palace aides have been holding crisis meetings to come up with a plan to keep Thomas Markle in check. The first option is that Meghan contacts her father directly to calm him down and de-escalate the situation. The second option is that an intermediary will negotiate between father and daughter. The third option is that the Duchess of Sussex never has any contact with her father again in the hope that he will stop his current behaviour.


Thomas Markle seems willing to go to extremes to get into contact with his daughter again. He’s said on multiple occasions that he’s dying because of his heart condition. Right now, he claims he’s very sad he couldn’t send his daughter a birthday card. Meghan’s birthday was on the fourth of August, but Thomas has neither her phone number nor an exact address. It saddens him that if he sends a card to Kensington Palace, it will simply end up on a stack with thousands of other cards. Thomas has even said it’d better if he died, because that would be easier for Meghan.

What now?

Kensington Palace hasn’t yet made public what the plan is going to be. It’s definitely clear that something will have to be done about the situation, though, because Thomas and Samantha Markle keep dragging Meghan’s name, and by extension the royal family’s, through the mud. Meghan is reportedly having a very hard time seeing her family like this.

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Source: RTL NieuwsDaily Mail, Express | Image: videostill