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Kensington Palace confirms: Meghan Markle is pregnant!


Kensington Palace confirms this wonderful news!

Ever since the royal wedding back in May, everyone’s been speculating about whether Meghan is pregnant and now everyone can rejoice: Kensington Palace has just released a statement that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are expecting a baby.

The baby is due in the Spring of 2019.


The Daily Mail reveals that Meghan told the Queen and the family about the pregnancy at the wedding of one of the Queen’s other grandchildren Eugenie. People have been suspecting for a while now due to Meghan’s clothing choices and because of the rumours that her mother Doria is said to move to London. Doria was also seen taking baby-care classes in Pasadena, which made people wonder as well.

Official statement

The official statement says: “Their Royal Highnesses have appreciated all of the support they have received from people around the world since their wedding in May and are delighted to be able to share this happy news with the public.” Read the full statement below.

Read more: Meghan Markle opens up about her first date with Prince Harry

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Source: Daily Mail | Image: video still