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Annoying and painful: heel fissures! This natural remedy brings instant relief

heel fissures

With this useful mask you will never have heel fissures again

When the summer season is in full swing and the sun is out, sandals and flip flops make their annual comeback. However, not everyone is overly pleased with that when they look at their feet. Little crevices and cracks simply don’t look very nice in sandals and flip flops. Fortunately, Tips and Tricks has found a solution that allows you to enjoy the barefoot season with beautiful, well-kept feet!

Often, bad foot care or sometimes a lack of zinc and omega-3 cause crevices and cracks on the heels. Try these care tips first! In case they don’t work, you can start looking into the amounts of zinc and omega-3 you take in every day.

Glycerine, lemon and baking soda
This mixture helps healing cracked heels and prevents other crevices and cracks from developing. Glycerine may sound like it’s expensive or difficult to purchase, but it isn’t. You just have to pop by a drugstore and you can start immediately.

What do you have to do?
Mix a generous amount of water, lemon, glycerine and baking soda in a big bowl. Enjoy this foot bath for roughly 15 to 20 minutes, then use a file to remove the dry skin.  No time for a foot bath? Mix the ingredients without the water and apply it to your feet. Put on socks and go to sleep. Wash your feet the next morning and then use a file to remove the dry skin. Repeat this for four or five days and you will definitely see improvement.  One other thing that might help is honey and water. You just have to mix a cup of honey with water and put your feet in it for 15 to 20 minutes. In the meantime, massage your feet, so they can fully absorb the mixture.

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