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This animal friend lifts this dying deer and can do nothing but wait. What happens next is a miracle!


A true animal lover

Simon Cowell is the founder of the Wildlife Aid Foundation. No, this isn’t the same Simon Cowell we know from the many, many talent shows. This is a completely different Simon Cowell. He saves all kinds of animals from dangerous situations. Read his miraculous story below.

In the video below, which shows one of his many rescues, Simon rescues a deer that’s been hit by a car. What’s different about this rescue is that it’s a race against the clock. There wasn’t a lot of time to save the poor animal before it would go into shock.

Capture myopathy
Wildlife Aid writes: “Time is of the essence with deer, as they suffer from capture myopathy, which is a complex disease associated with the capture or handling of any wild animal. A deer can die of capture myopathy when too stressed. For that reason, Emma, our vet, quickly stitched the wounds and rushed back with Simon to where the deer was found.”

After it was hit by the car, the deer had a lot of trouble standing, which is why Simon helped it. Unfortunately, the animal shows very little will to keep on living. Simon tries to help as best he can, but you can see that he is overcome by emotion in the end. It’s beautiful to see how heroes like Simon do everything they can to help. Luckily there are people like Simon and animal rescue organizations that help wounded animals!

We definitely recommend watching the moving video below!

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