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This is the way to keep your home cool without air conditioning, really! This is genius!

Air conditioning

Unfortunately, very little people actually have air conditioning in their house. Lots of people buy fans, as they’re easily accessible and not that expensive, but fans only blow around the warm air and don’t actually cool your house. The light breeze gives some relief, but your house will remain warm. Luckily, we have found a trick to turn your fan into an air conditioning unit.

Fan and frozen water

You can easily make an air conditioning unit from your fan. Fill two large bottles with water and put them in the freezer until the water has frozen completely. Then, place the bottles on the floor (or on a table if you have a standing fan) on top of a folded tea towel. Place the fan behind the bottles. This way, the fan will be blowing really cool air, generated by the ice in the bottles, around your home. This will allow the temperature to actually come down.

We are going to try this before going to bed tonight! Have you heard of this amazing tip before?

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