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This is the way to keep your home cool without air conditioning, really! This is genius!


Is your home uncomfortably warm sometimes too?

During these hot days, it doesn’t just get warmer outside; your home can also look forward to a hefty rise in temperature. Well-insulated homes may not be too bad, but what should you do if your home really turns into a sauna? If you can’t sleep because of the heat and you’re walking around with a headache all day, you’ll try anything to cool off. Luckily, we have found a trick that’s easy and it really works! Simply make your own air conditioning with a fan.


Nothing is worse than coming home after a long, hot day at the office and walking straight into a home that feels like a sauna. Yet that’s what many homes feel like at the moment. Of course, tips like keeping all the windows and doors shut and closing the curtains do make some difference, but unfortunately it doesn’t always do the trick. Installing air conditioning would be a better solution, but that can be very expensive. Luckily, we have a great tip for you: inexpensive and extremely effective!


The only thing you need for this is a fan and two bottles of frozen water. A fan is a good thing to own in itself, but unfortunately it does just blow warm air around without actually making the room much cooler. The theory behind fans is that the breeze it creates will cool off your body when it’s slightly moist because of your sweat. You can recreate this by spraying some water on your body with a spray bottle. Another method is to put a wet tea towel on your body and sit in a light breeze.

To make your fan much more effective, you can make your own air conditioning using a fan and two bottles of frozen water. Go on to the next page to find out how to do this.

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