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3 things you can use baking spray for besides the obvious

baking spray

Grating cheese

If you frequently grate cheese, you’ll be familiar with the frustration that sometimes comes with it: some cheeses crumble as soon as you try to grate them. That’s a pity, because of course you want to make sure the rest of your cheese is in one piece for when you use it again.

Luckily, we’ve got a can of baking spray close by, which will help us stop the cheese from crumbling. All you need to do is spray a little of the spray onto the grater. Now, just grate the cheese like you normally do and you’ll see it will be much easier. This is a classic case of “if only we’d known about this sooner!”

Read more: You can you use your dishwasher to grease your oven dish

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Source: LibelleTV | Images: videostill, Pixabay