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With this trick unrolling plastic wrap will no longer be a problem at all!

plastic wrap

This will save so much frustration!

Plastic wrap is a staple in pretty much every kitchen. It’s an exceptionally handy product when it comes to covering up food. Your meal will stay fresh for longer and you can see exactly what’s on the plate or in the pan you’ve covered up. Yet plastic wrap does pose a bit of a problem when it comes to unrolling it…

We wish we’d known about this trick sooner!

We always thought it was just us, and we were doing something wrong when it came to unrolling plastic wrap. It turns out, though, that this is a universal problem and it’s simply nearly impossible to tear off a neat piece of plastic wrap. Whichever way you try it, it will stick to itself and you can’t tear off a neat piece for the life of you. It always ends up scrunched up, and quickly and easily covering up that bowl has become a lost cause. But no more! We have a trick for it…

If you want to prevent your plastic wrap from sticking to itself when you tear it off, try storing the roll in the fridge from now on. The cold makes it a lot easier to unroll it and transport it to the bowl you want to cover. Somehow, the cold makes sure the wrap doesn’t stick to itself.

When you’ve finally unrolled the wrap, sometimes there’s that extra bit of frustration when the wrap doesn’t want to stick to the bowl. You want to completely cover the bowl and make sure no air gets in, but that doesn’t happen if the wrap won’t stick! Here’s another little trick: wetten the edges of the bowl with a bit of water. The plastic wrap will stick much better now!

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Source: Greatest | Image: Pixabay