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The internet is going crazy: someone has shared the ultimate ‘secret’ dishwasher tip!


Did you know about this handy dishwasher tip?

People whose kitchen includes a dishwasher are truly blessed as far as we’re concerned. You never have to clean (and dry) the dirty dishes by hand and this saves so much time. All you have to do is put the dishes into the machine and take them out again when it’s done. No matter how often you’ve used your dishwashing machine, you probably didn’t know about this ‘secret’ tip yet.

A man from Ireland has shared his discovery with the rest of the world and everybody’s in a right state about it.

The secret trick
The Irishman shared his ‘Eureka moment’ with his followers on Twitter. Before he knew it, the tweet took the world by storm. The essentially very simple trick has been shared by over 14,000 people already by now. For years and years Mike was unable to fit his large dishes on the bottom level of his dishwasher. The amazing trick he found out about recently? Apparently, you can move the upper shelf of your dishwasher, so your large dishes, pots and pans do fit.

You can read Mike McLoughlin’s tweet below. It has been shared over 14,000 times and has almost 86,000 likes as we’re writing this. Many of the people who saw the tweet immediately went to check their own dishwasher, and it turns out that most dishwashers have an adjustable upper shelf!


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Source: Libelle | Image: Pixabay