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5 surprising tricks you can use mayonnaise for

4. Use it to care for your plants

Just as it’s perfect to treat your hair with, mayonnaise is great to use on your plants. Many florists swear by this trick. Clean the leaves of your plants with a mild soap and some water and then apply a little bit of mayo onto a paper towel. Rub the mayo onto the tops of the leaves. They’ll look beautiful and healthy for weeks.

5. Grease squeaky hinges

There are few things that are more annoying than the squeaking hinges of a door. You can solve this problem by cleaning the hinges and then rubbing a little bit of mayo onto them. Remove the excess bits of mayo and that’s it! Your door will no longer squeak!

Read more: 5 things you didn’t know you could do with dish soap!

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Source: Good Housekeeping | Image: Flickr, Gordon Joly