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Got a stain in your car upholstery? Try removing it with this quick and easy trick!

car upholstery

With this trick, that dirty stain in your car upholstery could be gone in no time at all!

Accidents can happen any time, any place, including in your car. Maybe you’ve spilt something on your car upholstery yourself or you have children who leave the occasional stain in the backseat. It doesn’t really matter what has caused the stain; we just want to know how to get it out again as quickly as possible. This is how you do it.

The stain in your car upholstery can disappear if you try this great trick.

Bird poop

Before we get into the car upholstery trick, though, let’s quickly talk about bird poop on the hood of your car. Did you know bird poop can actually damage the paint on your car? So, if you’ve noticed some bird poo on yours, you might want to try out this trick to remove it without leaving scratches. Wet the dried up bird poop with some water and then put a few folded up pages of newspaper on top of it. Next, pour another generous amount of water on top of the newspaper. Let it sit and soak for 20 minutes and then remove the paper. The bird faeces will have soaked right off and you’ll be able to wipe them away with a dry cloth.

Go to the next page to read about how you can remove stains from your car upholstery!

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