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With this trick you might never need a coin for a shopping cart ever again!

shopping cart

No more frustration because you forgot to bring change for the shopping cart

Going out for groceries is one of those chores that simply needs to happen. Some people go to the supermarket every day, while others do their shopping for the entire week in one go. In any case, a shopping cart is very useful; you don’t have to lug a potentially heavy basket with you. But; shoot! You haven’t got any change with you, so you can forget about that cart… Unless you know about this useful trick we’ve got for you!

With this handy trick you’ll never need to bring change for a shopping cart again!

Shopping basket

Even though most people rather grab a cart, using a shopping basket does have some benefits. When you have to carry a basket, you’re less likely to pick up unnecessary stuff on your way. While you could stuff the cart with tubs of ice cream and bottle of soda, when carrying all your groceries, this is impossible. Once the basket is getting heavy, you’ll need to go to the checkout. However, when shopping for a family this trick is impossible to use. In that case, you will need a shopping cart.

Shopping cart

We’ve all been there. Somewhat reluctantly you drive to the supermarket, manage to find a parking space and walk towards the shopping carts. You take a peek in your wallet and – of course. No change. And that means no cart. So, instead, you either take a basket with you or carry everything in your arms. Both of those options severely limit how much you can take with you, and they’re both very frustrating as well. Especially when you’re out buying groceries for the entire family, a cart is a bit of a necessity. If you remember the trick below, it doesn’t matter whether you have change with you or not!

Go on to the next page to learn how this trick works.

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