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3 tips to save money during December

2. Presents

Another one of those holiday things that costs a lot of money: Christmas presents. If we are to believe all of the (online) offers and ads, December is all about sales and low prices. Unfortunately, this isn’t true at all. A lot of companies raise their prices just before the holidays, only to put their products on ‘sale’ during December. That way, you think you’re getting a good deal, but you’re actually just paying the full price. A good tip is to start accumulating Christmas presents throughout the year. If you already know what you want to get someone in October, why not buy it then? It will probably be less expensive than it will be in December. Saving money for the bigger expenses becomes easier that way as well. January is the best month to buy early Christmas presents since all of the things that haven’t been sold during December will actually be on sale then.

‘Bring your own food’

It’s a typical American tradition, but it’s a great tip for if you want to save money during the holidays. Plus, it can be a lot of fun, too! Are you celebrating Christmas at your place? Ask your guests to all bring something. They can figure out amongst themselves who is responsible for what dish and with a bit of luck there will be an amazing spread at dinner. The same goes for New Year’s Eve. Everyone can bring a snack or some drinks and then you can ring in the new year together!

Read more: You’ve never made your eggs like this! The perfect breakfast for Christmas morning!

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Source: Margriet | Image: Unsplash

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