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3 tips to save money during December


With these tips, you can save a lot of money in December

The month of December is all about being together, having fun and two of the best holidays around: Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Yet this inevitably also means December is the most expensive month of the year. We all love spending money during the holidays. New outfits, gifts for under the Christmas tree and an elaborate Christmas dinner; it doesn’t exactly come for free. Want to avoid going into the new year completely broke? Then we’ve got some handy tips for you that will help you save quite a bit of money during this expensive month.

Follow these tips and your bank account will thank you in January!

1. Groceries

The supermarkets are full of holiday sweets and other tasty things from the start of December onwards. At Christmas, a lot of us love to go all out at Christmas dinner, but it would be much better to try and reign things in a little bit. It’s tempting to stock up on all these foods, but these Christmas-themed products are often much more expensive than your usual groceries. Try to be creative and go for the same chicken breast you’d buy normally instead of the more expensive types of meat you usually have at Christmas. Make the ordinary chicken taste delicious and Christmas dinner-worthy by using different herbs and spices than usual. You could also look online for tons of great budget menus for during the holidays.

Go to the next page for the other two tips!

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