It’s easy to get wrinkles out of your shirt without using an iron
There’s no worse way to start your day than taking a shirt out of your wardrobe and finding out it’s full of creases and wrinkles. Are you in a hurry and don’t you have time to get out the iron? Then there’s a simple trick you can use to remove wrinkles from your shirt in one minute.
This is also a great trick for when you don’t own an iron but do need to look presentable!
Simple tip
No matter how carefully you fold and put away your shirts after washing them, some shirts just wrinkle easily. Especially shirts made from cotton will wrinkle quickly. You take the shirt out of the closet and it just looks all messy! That’s not what you want, of course. Luckily, we’ve got a handy trick for you that’ll help you de-wrinkle your shirt in no time at all. All you need is a spray bottle with water and a blow dryer.
Go to the next page to read all about this great tip!
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