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This trick could help you remove a ring that’s stuck on your finger without breaking it


This tip provided by a doctor might do the trick for you!

We’ve all been there: you try to take off one of your rings before bed or simply when you’re trying it on at a store and then… it won’t come off again. Our heart always skips a beat when that happens. Most often, we manage to get the ring off after a little bit of wriggling, but in some cases, it just seems to be completely stuck. Luckily, there’s a simple trick that might just be able to help you with this problem!

This doctor has the handiest tip for when you have a ring stuck on your finger!


There are quite a few people who have been wearing their rings for so long that they no longer know whether they’d be able to take it off again. However, sometimes it’s necessary to take off jewellery, for example, at customs at an airport or before surgery, or simply when it starts to pinch. Of course, it’s a real waste if the ring would have to be cut off, especially if it is a ring with emotional value attached to it, like a wedding ring or engagement ring. Luckily, a doctor who often has to deal with stuck rings has come up with a very handy tip!

Take a look at the tip and the instructions on the next page!

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of specific results and each person’s results may vary.

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