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She puts bags filled with water in her shoes and the reason is genius! You have to try this!


The perfect trick for all women who love shoes!

Us women tend to love shoes (most of the time). We especially love to buy them when they’re on sale and we can’t resist taking them with us. Sometimes those trendy black shoes that looked so pretty in the store aren’t very comfortable, but we buy them anyway. 

On average, women own 26 (!) pairs of shoes. Let’s face it, though, a large amount of these are probably standing at the back of the closet and haven’t seen the light of day in ages. It often happens that we come home from our shopping spree and realise that those shoes we bought weren’t as comfortable as we thought (or hopes) they were… And what do you end up doing? Returning them and buying a new pair? No need! With this trick you’ll be able to very easily stretch your shoes just that little bit extra to make sure they’ll fit you perfectly!

This is what you need:

  • Two ziplock bags
  • Water
  • A freezer

This is how you do it:
Fill the ziplock bags with water until they’re about halfway full and put them in your shoes (don’t forget to close the bags first!). Try to sufficiently push the bag into the nose of the shoe. Put the shoes with the bags of water in them into the freezer and let them stay there until the water has frozen. Then, take them out of the freezer and let the ice thaw for about 20 minutes. Your shoes will be stretched out a little bit and they’ll fit much better than before!

Want to see how it’s done? Watch the video below! Wondering how you can make your leather shoes look good as new again? Click here!

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