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5 Pinterest hacks for hot weather that actually work

4. Cooling peppermint spray

Have you ever tried drinking some water right after you’ve brushed your teeth? Did it feel much colder and fresher? It probably did! That’s actually how this hack works. Fill a spray bottle with water and add a few drops of peppermint oil. Spray this lightly on your face and chest and you’ll feel that it’ll cool you right off. Test a little on your elbow first and wait 24 hours to see if you’re not allergic to it. We would also advise avoiding spraying it in your eyes, as that could cause irritation. We recommend focussing on the lower half of your face and your chest when spraying.

5. Homemade airconditioning

The only thing you need for this is a fan and two bottles of frozen water. A fan is a good thing to own in itself, but unfortunately it does just blow warm air around without actually making the room much cooler, but with this hack you can make that happen! Fill two large bottles with water and put them in the freezer until the water has frozen completely. Then, place the bottles on the floor (or on a table if you have a standing fan) on top of a folded tea towel. Place the fan behind the bottles. This way, the fan will be blowing really cool air, generated by the ice in the bottles, around your home. This will allow the temperature to actually come down.

Read more: This is why you should always keep a tube of toothpaste in your kitchen!

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Source: Buzzfeed | Image: Video still

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