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Having trouble opening a glass jar? With THIS handy trick that will be a thing of the past!

glass jar

That stubborn glass jar of pickles? You’ll open it in a jiffy!

We all know the frustration of standing in the kitchen, trying to open a glass jar of something we either want to eat straight away or add to a dish we’re cooking, and being unable to. Pickles, jam, beans, apple sauce; they’re lost to us forever because we cannot open the jar. It’s as if manufacturers do it on purpose! Luckily, there’s a very simple trick to easily open glass jars.

You’ll open it within a few seconds.


All you need is duct tape! You might be thinking: “how can some duct tape help me open a jar?” Well, it’s actually really simple! All you need to do is cut of piece of tape of about 20 centimeters (8 inches). Stick the piece of tape on the lid of a jar, about three quarters of the way around. Leave a few centimeters free of tape.


Take hold of the end of the piece of tape with one hand. Use the other hand to hold the jar steady and then lightly pull on the tape. It’ll hardly cost you any strength and you’ll see that the lid of the jar will come loose without a problem. No more struggling with glass jars in the kitchen for you! Save yourself the frustration and just grab a role of duct tape the next time this issue rolls around.

Take a look at the picture below if you want to see how this trick works:

glass jar

Read more: Which condiments should be kept in the fridge and which shouldn’t? We’ve got the answer!

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Source: LibelleTV | Image: LibelleTV, video still YouTube BuzzFeedBlue