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Got moths in your pantry or wardrobe? Here’s an easy way to get rid of them


Essential oils

Moths hate essential oils made from cedar wood. An easy way to get rid of moths and to repel them in the future is to take a few cloths, sprinkle them with cedar oil and then place these at the bottom of your closet. The larvae absolutely hate this. You can also repel moths with scents like lavender, rosemary, tobacco and camphor. You can simply buy these oils at a drugstore. Another option is to place mothballs in your pantry or wardrobe. These balls consist of a chemical compound that evaporates easily and is very unpleasant to a moth. Back in the day, mothballs usually consisted of camphor or naphthalene. These days most mothballs are made out of paradichlorobenzene.

Clean regularly

Finally, it’s important to regularly clean the space, even when the moths have taken flight. Keeping the pantry or wardrobe clean and removing dust, fibers and crumbs prevent the pesky creatures from coming back.

Read more: Got a nasty smell lingering in your home? Here are 10 ways to make your house smell like heaven!

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Source: Good Housekeeping | Image: Flickr, anne beaumont; Pixabay

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