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Your iPhone camera has THIS bizarre feature that no one knows about!


Did you know about this strange iPhone feature?

An iPhone is a small pocket computer your can do truly everything with. Call, WhatsApp, watch films, read books: you name it, your iPhone has some app for it. Oh, and you’d almost forget about it, but it obviously also has a high quality digital camera! An iPhone has so many features that you probably don’t know about half of them, and use even less.

We bet you didn’t know about this strange feature!

Your iPhone has the ability to see what’s on your pictures! The device recognises thousands of objects, scenes, surroundings and facial expressions and attaches a category to them. Such a category could be, for example, ‘glasses’ or ‘bag’ or ‘dress’. You can test this function by going to the Gallery on your iPhone and click the search icon within ‘Albums’.

You can enter a keyword within this search function. If you can’t think of a good keyword, you can also start with just one letter. The smartphone will then show a list with suggestions of keywords that can all be found in your album. Glasses aren’t the only things to be spotted; food, beaches and pools are also within the list. These are all fairly innocent words, of course, but there was quite a fuss on social media when someone found out that the phone also makes a folder with pictures that feature a bra. So, if you’ve ever taken a picture of yourself in bikini or underwear, you can find them all in a folder.

Wondering about all the things you can search for? When Apple introduced this feature, they also shared a list with all the search words, which you can find here. Just how exactly the camera recognises the things in the pictures isn’t known.

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Source: Libelle | Image Tips & Tricks ©