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THIS is why people put a frying pan with salt on the stove! Such a handy trick!

Burnt pan

It happens to the best of us. The burner was on a tad too high or you got distracted by the phone or your child. Before you know it the kitchen starts to smell and fill with smoke. Your potatoes are looking rather black or that nice steak has turned into a piece of rubber. Your food can’t be saved, but there’s no reason to throw the pan away with it. There’s an easy trick to remove all the burnt bits from the pan.


To clean the burnt pan, all you need is some salt. Simply sprinkle a generous layer of salt in the burnt pan and add a little water to cover the bottom of the pan. Put the pan on low heat and let the water simmer for 15 minutes. Thanks to the boiling water and the salt, the burnt bits will loosen quickly. After 15 minutes you’ll be able to easily remove all the scorched bits without any elbow grease.


Besides protecting the pans non-stick coating or cleaning it, salt is great to have within arms reach during cooking. We certainly hope this won’t happen to you, but it could happen: a grease fire while you’re cooking. This type of fire can happen when you’ve got oil in your pan. Throwing water on oil is never a good idea, which is why you should always put the lid on the pan in case of a grease fire. Don’t have a lid nearby? Then grab your table salt. Pour this over the flames in the pan until they’ve been extinguished. The salt will get rid of the flames very quickly!

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Read more: With THESE tips you can clean every type of pot and pan in your kitchen!

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Source: Oma Weet Raad | Image: video still householdhacker