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4 ways to de-ice a frozen car lock

3. Warm liquid

Do you by any chance have a cup of warm coffee or tea with you? Then you can dip your key into the hot liquid so the metal heats up. Dry the hot key before putting it in the lock. The heat will melt the ice. If you’re at home, you can also use hot water, of course. Do not skip the step of drying the key before putting it in the lock! Otherwise, the liquid will simply freeze again later.

4. Lighter

This method only works on metal keys and you’ll need to be very careful! Try to heat your key with a lighter. Don’t try this method if you’ve first tried the hand sanitiser or Vaseline method – you might end up with a burning key. Heat a clean (!) key and try to melt the ice in the car lock with the hot key. If possible, wear thick, fire-resistant gloves and pay close attention.

Read more: 9 tips to prevent frost damage to your home and garden

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Source: Yellow Pages | Image: video still

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