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Lifehack: this is why you should stick two forks in a tomato

Two forks in a tomato

We came across this handy hack in one of 5-Minute Crafts videos. It shows someone sticking two forks in a tomato. If you’re going to try this trick you should make sure you stick the forks into the tomato in its length and that the forks overlap with one tooth only. Then, place the tomato on a chopping board and use a knife to cut in between the teeth of the fork. This way, you can slice equally sized slices within a matter of seconds! Simple, right?

In the video below, you can see how this trick works from 2:26:

Read more: Handy! If you do THIS with your store-bought tomatoes they’ll stay fresh for much longer!

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Source: YouTube, 5 Minute Crafts | Image: video still 

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