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Every night before bed he puts a bar of soap beneath his sheets and this is why!


Put a bar of soap beneath your sheets before going to sleep!

Loads of people have trouble falling asleep at night. Sometimes this happens because you just can’t find a comfortable position to sleep in, or perhaps because you have restless legs which makes you unable to sleep. For most of us, restless legs when sleeping only happen occasionally, but some people actually suffer from something called Restless Legs Syndrome.

Restless Legs Syndrome
Restless Legs Syndrome is a disorder that forces you to move while you’re sleeping. The restless legs go together with a tingling feeling in your legs, as well as a burning feeling, itchy legs, leg cramps and the strong urge to kick. Even in your sleep! It isn’t exactly pain, but it is very annoying and frustrating, of course. It can get so bad that it can be very hard to actually sleep.

Simple solution
We’ve got a simple solution for it, though. It might seem strange at first, but it does work and that’s the most important thing. Restless Legs Syndrome is caused by the acidification of your muscles, and to fix this you need something to counteract the acid. One of the things that can do that is soap, which is very suitable for the job. The trick is to put a bar of soap near your feet, beneath your fitted sheets. You’ll notice that the restless feeling will disappear from your legs. Try to do this every day if you want to establish a a long term effect. The effects will be noticeable after an hour already!

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