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You can you use your dishwasher to grease your oven dish

oven dish

Greasing your oven dish and other unexpected things you can do with your dishwasher

Do you have the good fortune of owning a dishwasher? Then you’ll be aware of how much easier such a machine can make your life. After a wonderful dinner with friends you don’t have to spend time getting wrinkly fingers while doing the dishes. Instead, you can just quickly rinse the plates, load the dishwasher, turn it on and put your feet up on the sofa. The best thing since sliced bread? We think so!

But did you know you can use your dishwasher for three very surprising other things as well?

Heating up plates

The first handy tip we have for you is heating up plates. It can be very handy to heat up plates when you’re preparing a dinner with multiple courses and want to keep the food warm for as long as possible when you’re serving it. Place the plates into the bottom rack of the machine and set it to a hot and quick programme. Take the plates out again and voilà, you’ve got yourself some perfectly heated plates to serve your main dish on, for example.

Baking spray

Are you a big fan of baking? Then you’ll probably be quite familiar with using baking spray. An oven dish, a springform tin; you can easily spray everything with this spray before you put your ingredients into the tin. But chances are that when you’re spraying, some of the greasy spray ends up on your kitchen counter instead of the oven dish. Here’s a handy tip: pick up the tin or dish, hold it above your open dishwasher and spray. That way, the excess spray ends up in the dishwasher and you don’t have a big greasy mess to clean on your counters.

Dish rack

Do you have only a couple of dishes to wash and do you just quickly want to do it by hand? A lot of households that own a dishwasher don’t own a dish rack to let the dishes dry in after washing them, because why would they? To get around that problem you can very easily use your empty dishwasher. Open the machine, pull out the bottom rack a little bit and use it as a dish rack. Wait until the dishes have all dried and then simply put them back in your cabinets. Easy as that!

Read more: Yikes, no one likes a smelly dishwasher! With these tips it will smell fresh and fruity once again!

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Source: TheKitchn | Image: videostill