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12 great reasons to always have dental floss on hand

6. Cookies

Have you baked cookies? Then you’ll want to make sure they cool quickly so you can eat them as soon as possible. Unfortunately, cookies that are still warm are often still a bit sticky on the bottom, which means they stick to the greaseproof paper. Not to worry, though, because you can just ‘floss’ them off. Remove the cookies from the paper by carefully sliding a piece of floss underneath them and pulling it towards you.

7. Popcorn string

This is a fun little DIY project to do with the kids: thread a piece of floss through a needle and string popcorn onto this. You can hang this popcorn ‘ornament’ in your Christmas tree, for example. You can also string macaroni or other pasta onto some floss to create funny necklaces.

8. Hair tie

Has your last hair tie given up and snapped just when you really wanted to put your hair up in a ponytail? If you really need to get your hair out of your face you can use a piece of dental floss instead! Because of the layer of wax, the floss is nice and sturdy. This works especially well for people with thin hair, but you might need some extra floss if you have thick hair.

9. Shoelace

Got a broken shoelace? Use a piece of floss as a replacement until you can get some new laces.

10. Torch

Wrap a piece of floss around some sticks and then light it on fire. You’ve got yourself an easy torch!

11. Rope

When you cut off a piece of rope, the end often starts to fray like crazy. To prevent this from happening, you can tie a piece of floss around it.

12. Meat

Use flavourless floss to tie meat together before putting it in the oven if you don’t have any twine at your disposal.

Read more: These are 7 things you can do with Vaseline you didn’t know about!

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Source: Tiphero | Image: Pixabay

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