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4 ways to open a wine bottle without using a corkscrew


This is how you do it without a corkscrew

After a long day at work, some days all you want when you get home is a nice glass of red. When you have people coming over you also want to be able to offer them a good wine. If you have carefully selected a nice bottle of wine only to come home to discover your corkscrew is nowhere to be found, you’re not going to be a happy camper. So, what now; just offer your guests a glass of water? No need, because there are a ton of ways you can use to open a wine bottle without a corkscrew.

With a key

You can very easily screw the cork from a bottle using just a key. Carefully push your key into the cork at an angle. Try to push it in as far as you can. Hold the bottle with one hand and then start turning the key. Keep turning while you slowly pull the key upwards; this way, you will be unscrewing the cork.

Take a look at this video to see how it works:


You’ll be able to find a couple of nails, a screwdriver and a hammer in pretty much every toolbox. Get one screw, a screwdriver and a hammer and you’ll be able to open a bottle of wine. What should you do? Carefully screw the screw into the cork using the screwdriver. Make sure you let about 3 centimetres of the screw sticking out of the cork. Use the back of the hammer to pull the screw (and thus also the cork) out of the bottle.

Wooden spoon

For this trick, you push the cork into the bottle without breaking the cork. Get a wooden spoon with a thin handle. Push the cork down with the handle and before you know it the cork is inside the bottle and you can pour out the wine.


“You can never have too many shoes,” is a sentence many a shoe lover must have spoken at some point. Shoes are multifunctional and this trick proves that yet again. Sit down on a chair and place the bottle upside down between your knees. Clamp the bottle tightly. Take a shoe with a flat sole and use the sole to smack the bottom of the bottle. Keep repeating this until the cork starts to loosen. Place the bottle upright again when the cork almost comes out and then simply pull it out.

Read more: THIS is why you should put your gold jewellery in a glass of beer

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Source: Food-hacks | Image: Pixabay