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Blackboard chalk in your wardrobe? THIS is why everyone should try it!

blackboard chalk

Trust us, your wardrobe will be a lot more fresh and dry if you use blackboard chalk

Nobody likes opening their wardrobe and being met with a musty smell. Have you put away all of your winter clothing in your wardrobe already? Then you’ll want those winter items to come out fresh and clean when you want to wear them again in the winter, instead of musty and damp. Luckily, it’s very easy to make sure that happens with this simple trick. All you have to do is place a bit of blackboard chalk in your wardrobe.

If only we’d known about this sooner!

Perfect solution

It might sound really weird that putting a bit of chalk in your wardrobe can solve the problem of the musty smells, but it’s in fact the perfect solution to keep your wardrobe clean, dry and fresh. Who knew a school item could be useful like this! Get a transparent, fabric little bag and place about eight pieces of white blackboard chalk inside it. Attach this to a clothing hanger and hang it in between the items of clothing in your closet.


But what is it that makes chalk so useful when it comes to combating musty smells in your wardrobe? This has everything to do with the absorbing quality of chalk. It absorbs all of the musty, damp smells as soon as you hang it in your wardrobe. So, no more musty surprises when you take your clothing out of the closet next season. This will save you a lot of laundry time!

Read more: Got a nasty smell lingering in your home? Here are 10 ways to make your house smell like heaven!

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Source: Libelle | Image: photomontage