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6 health and beauty benefits of honey

3. Boost your immune system

Honey contains many antioxidants that may help in preventing ‘cancer, cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory disorders, neurological degeneration, wound healing, infectious diseases and ageing’. Consuming it every now and then has many great health benefits.

4. Moisturizer

When applying honey to the skin, it will work as a moisturizing agent. For this reason, many skincare brands add honey to their face masks. You could also easily make your own face mask by mixing two tablespoons of raw honey with two teaspoons of turmeric.

5. Combat uneven skin

Honey is great at combating uneven skin and acne, due to the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Honey will fight bacteria living on the skin, decreasing irritation and redness. Try dipping a cotton swab in some honey and applying it to a zit. Let the honey sink in for fifteen minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

6. Shiny hair

Honey is a great moisturizer for your skin, but the same goes for your hair! By using honey as a hair mask your hair will become incredibly soft and shiny. Combine about 170 millilitres of honey with 60 millilitres olive oil. Apply this mixture to your hair, focussing on the length of your hair. Put on a shower cap and let the mask sit for about thirty minutes before rinsing and washing your hair as you usually would.

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Source: One Good Thing, HP de Tijd | Image: Tips and Tricks ©

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