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Baby oil can be used for much more than you think! Once you know, you’ll never go back!

baby oil

Baby oil can be used for much more than just your baby

If you have children, or have one on the way, you’ll know all about it: doing the shopping. From buying the right pram to the right car seat; from baby clothes to baby care products.

Too much choice
It can all get a little mad, especially when you have to do it all for the first time. And these days there’s so much choice that you’d almost faint just thinking about it, even when it comes to care products like baby oil. Biological, ecological, sustainable… the list is endless. There are simply too many options to count and if you’re a young parent you’re likely to get lost in all the brands and possibilities.

Baby oil
But did you know you can use baby oil for so much more than rubbing it on your baby? Sometimes we just don’t look beyond what we know, which isn’t that strange. Why would you think of anything other than babies when it comes to baby oil? It’s right there in the name! You’ll be surprised by the sheer amount of possibilities you’ve got with this product, though. We’ve put them in a handy list for you!

Use baby oil to remove paint.

Use it as massage oil.

Remove ear wax from your ears with baby oil.

Use it to remove eye make-up.

Move onto the next page for more smart ways to use baby oil!

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