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Add a brown banana to a bag of rice and you’ll never guess what happens!

brown banana

A brown banana and rice go great together

It’s happened to us all: we’ve left a banana for a little bit too long and now the peel has turned brown or even black. Even though it might not seem like it from the outside, the banana is usually still fine to eat. Most people throw it away immediately, but we found out there’s no need for that! When you find out how to return an overripe banana to its original colour, you might not throw them out anymore either!

In the video below this trick is called the “Zombie Hack”. The video shows how Brandon Queen gives the banana its original yellow colour again. This is how to do it: put some rice in a ziplock bag and add the banana to it. Close the bag and make sure the banana is more or less covered by the rice. Leave the banana in the bag for about an hour before coming back to it, and take your blow dryer with you! Take the banana out of the ziplock bag, blow it with the blow dryer (on a low heat) and watch the magic happen!

Don’t believe us? Watch the video!

Read more about bananas!

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