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15 amazing tricks with WD-40 everyone should know

10. Glass

Do you stack your glasses before storing them? It’s convenient because it saves a lot of space, but it can be difficult to remove them. Especially long drink glasses have the tendency to stick together, making it nearly impossible to grab just one. To loosen them without breaking one of the glasses, apply a little WD-40 on the rims of the glasses and try to separate them. Don’t forget to rinse them with hot water and a little washing up liquid.

9. Remove stickers

We don’t know why manufacturers don’t use stickers that don’t leave any residue, but for some reason we’re always left with gross sticky bits on the backs of our plates and mugs. To remove the glue and residue of stickers, just apply some WD-40 and let it sit for a while. Remove the residue with a rag or a sponge, a little scrubbing may still be required. Add more WD-40 if the sticker doesn’t come off at first.

8. Glue

Just like stickers, glue can also be easily removed with some WD-40. Even when the glue has hardened and dried up! Just spray some of the liquid on the glue, let it sit for a while and remove the glue with a rag. You might have to repeat this technique two or three times to remove all the residual glue.

7. Chewing gum

Accidentally sat in chewing gum, or did a child leave some on a rug or pillow? Don’t worry, WD-40 will be able to remove the sticky culprit. Spray some of the liquid on the gum and work it in with a rag. Keep repeating this and working at it until you’ve cleaned all the gum off your precious carpet or jeans.

6. Red stains

Has your carpet fallen victim to a nasty red stain, such as ketchup or red wine? In this case, WD-40 will also be your hero. Spray some on the stain and pat it dry with a rag. You may have to repeat this step a few times until the red colour has gone. Rinse with a little lukewarm water and soap.

Curious to know what the top 5 uses of WD-40 are? Read more on the next page.

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