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Oh no, wasps! No need to panic because with this trick they’ll definitely stay away!


This trick is all about coffee! Unlike people, wasps absolutely hate the smell of a cup of coffee. That means coffee is the perfect solution to all of your wasp trouble. It will definitely keep them away from you!

This is what you need:

  • a fireproof bowl or cup (multiple bowls is even better)
  • ground coffee
  • matches or a lighter

This is how to do it:

Put the ground, unused coffee (so no coffee grounds that have been used already!) in the fireproof bowl or cup and light it on fire. Coffee burns without a flame, so when it starts to smolder, you’re on the right track! The coffee fumes will spread through the air now, which means the wasps will smell it as well. There’s no way they’ll want to come close to you now! Place the cup with the coffee close to you, or, even better, make several of these smoldering coffee cups and place them around the patio or garden so the wasps won’t come close to you.

Read more: Important: this is the only safe way to light a barbecue!

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Image: Pixabay, video still YouTube

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