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Bury your used tea bags in your garden and THIS is what can happen! Amazing!

used tea bags

Speeds up disintegration

It’s also a very smart idea to add a used tea bag to your compost heap. The acids within the tea will speed up the process of disintegration of the compost. This means you’ll be able to use the compost for your garden much sooner than you would otherwise. This’ll make both you and your garden very happy!

Retains water

Bury the used tea bag close to the roots of your flowers or plants in the earth. Doing this will help your plants and flowers retain more water within the earth. This way you will make sure they stay much healthier!


This is something you don’t want in your garden: weeds. Luckily, tea bags are the perfect solution for this as well, since they’ll keep weeds at bay. By burying a used tea bag in the earth, you’ll make it a lot harder for the weeds to grow alongside your healthy plants and flowers.

Germinating seedlings

The growth process of little seedlings can be made a lot easier through the use of a tea bag. All you need is used tea bags, seeds, a plastic planter and water. Germinate the seedlings in the planter like you would do normally, but add the tea bags to the earth. This will speed up the process a lot! When the seedlings have germinated, you can easily move them to a larger planter or directly into your garden.


Do you often have neighbourhood cats wandering through your garden? Tea bags or some coffee grounds can help keep them out as well. The smell will repel the cats. Sprinkle some coffee grounds or tea over the earth of your garden to prevent cats from peeing or pooping all over it. Extra tip: this also works to keep your own cats away from the plants inside your home.

Worms eat tea leaves

It doesn’t sound very nice; worms in your garden. Yet these slippery little fellas are very good for your garden. Worms can very easily eat tea leaves. When these leaves have been digested and get back into the earth they’ll produce even more nutrients for a super fertile garden.

Read more: Here’s why you should use baby powder in your garden! Genius!

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Source: Natural Ways | Image: Tips and Tricks©, Pixabay

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