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He sets coffee on fire in the garden. See what happens! This might be handy for tonight!


Having a barbecue tonight? Well, make sure you set some coffee on fire. We’ll explain why.

Although it’s lovely to spend long evenings out in the garden, enjoying the BBQ and having a nice night with friends and some cold, cold beers, there is a downside which we will explain later on. We don’t want to spoil the summer vibe yet! Before you know it, we’re already suffering from the autumn rain and wind, so we should try to enjoy the lovely temperatures as much as possible!

Most of us will probably have everything standby to enjoy another barbecue. One of the advantages of summer is that it stays light out for much longer. On bright days it only gets dark after 22:00. But once it’s time to switch on the light it’s also time to arm yourself against a complete invasion of insects. Your beer will probably be full of flies and your legs won’t escape the mosquito bites. Luckily, we’ve got a life hack to avoid the bugs so you can keep enjoying your long summer nights. If you enjoy spending a lot of time in your garden, it is not advisable to fight insects with all kinds of chemical pesticides. Fortunately, pest control does not have to become chemical at all, as you’ll probably have the solution stored somewhere in your kitchen cabinet: coffee!

It’s such a simple thing, but coffee allows your plants to grow faster, gets rid of snails and it even makes you feel energetic, but there’s another benefit we would like to add: coffee scares off bugs. What do you need to make your own pesticide? Simple: one plate and 50 grams of ground coffee. Put the coffee on the plate, take it to your garden and leave it in a place you know are a lot of bugs. Set the coffee on fire and you will see how fast it’ll burn. Whilst enjoying the delicious smell, you’ll also notice there are no more bugs annoying you! Enjoy your lovely summer evenings and do not forget to share this post with your friends!

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