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These are 5 simple tricks that could help you get rid of scratches on any surface in your home!


You might already own everything you need to get rid of scratches!

A home is a place to be lived in. You don’t want to have to be extremely careful around certain objects or surfaces; you want to be able to relax! That does mean you might cause a scratch here and there, though. That’s just life! Nevertheless, it’s a bit of a pity to see your beautiful wooden table defaced like that. Luckily, we’ve got a few tips that’ll help you get rid of all kinds of different scratches around the house!

The solutions are very simple!

Wooden table

Wood is very popular when it comes to surfaces around any home. It’s also pretty easy to scratch, though. Lucky for all of us, there’s a very simple solution that works for both hardwood floors and wooden tables. All you need is a walnut! Crack the walnut and take out the kernel. Then, rub the kernel on the scratch and watch in wonder as the scratch disappears.


We always try to be super careful with our glasses, but sometimes something goes wrong anyway. You already own the solution to scratches on your glasses, though: toothpaste. Do choose a toothpaste that doesn’t contain harsh whitening chemicals. Rub some of it on the lenses of your glasses using a soft cloth or a cotton ball. Do this for about 10 seconds and then rinse with cool water. If there’s a deep scratch, you might have to repeat this trick a few more times.

Patent leather shoes

A big scratch on your pretty new shoes is just such a pity. All you need is some Vaseline to fix it, though! Use a cotton swab to rub a little bit of Vaseline on the scratch until it fills in. Wait for about a minute and you’ll see your patent leather shoes will look brand new!

Go on to the next page to learn how to fix other scratches in your home, such as scratches on your hardwood floor.

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