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So handy! Use salt for these 5 common household chores

Salt always comes in handy.

1. Red wine

It’s always fun to throw a party until someone knocks over a glass of red wine right onto your white carpet. Luckily, there’s a very easy trick to prevent a red stain from taking up permanent residence in your carpet. Carefully dab at the red wine with a paper towel to remove as much of it as you can. Don’t rub! Next, sprinkle salt onto the stain. Keep sprinkling until you can no longer see any of the red of the wine. Leave the stain to dry. You’ll notice the salt absorbs the wine. Use the vacuum cleaner to remove everything and you’ll notice the stain is gone entirely.

2. Egg

Accidentally dropped some eggs? The egg yolk can be difficult to clean up because of its sticky nature. By pouring over salt you’ll make the egg less sticky, which means it’ll be easier to clean up.

3. Fire

We certainly hope this won’t happen to you, but it could happen: a grease fire while you’re cooking. This type of fire can happen when you’ve got oil in your pan. Throwing water on oil is never a good idea, which is why you should always put the lid on the pan in case of a grease fire. Don’t have a lid nearby? Then grab your table salt. Pour this over the flames in the pan until they’ve been extinguished. The salt will get rid of the flames very quickly!

4. Clogged drain

Have you had to remove a bunch of gross hairs from the shower drain multiple times already? Then you were lucky in the sense that you were on time. The hairs could also have gone further down and clogged the drain there. If this happens, there’s an easy solution. Prepare a mixture of a quarter of a cup of baking soda and a quarter of a cup of salt. Pour this mixture down the shower drain or the drain of your sink. Next, pour down a cup of white vinegar. The combination will start to fizz and foam which will cause the grease to dissolve and the hair to be flushed down.

5. Ants

Do you dislike ants as much as we do? Especially during summer they like marching into our homes and we’re not too happy with that. Want to prevent them from coming in? Pour lines of salt in the places where the ants usually come in to keep them out.

Take a look at the video below for more handy salt hacks:

Read more: 10 amazing things around the house you can use used tea bags for

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Source: Household HackerVinepair | Image: video still