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Put a cup of rice in your wardrobe and this is what happens!


This is why you should put a cup of rice in your wardrobe

We love using rice in the kitchen when we’re making a nasi or a delicious curry. There are plenty of handy hacks outside of the kitchen involving rice as well, like drying your phone in rice after you’ve dropped it in water. In short; most people will have a bag of rice in their kitchen. Today, we’ve got another rice hack for you that’s all about your wardrobe!

We’re going to do this right away!


If you’re familiar with the trick of putting your smartphone in a bag of rice to save it from water damage, you’ll probably know this works because dry rice absorbs moisture. This is useful information, because sometimes wardrobes can have trouble with moisture as well. Perhaps your home is simply a little damp, or you’ve put washed clothes back in the wardrobe even though they weren’t entirely dry yet. This moisture will cause your clothes to smell a little musty and of course you also just don’t want moisture and mold in your wardrobe!

Air freshener

Because rice absorbs the moisture from a room, it simultaneously works as an air freshener as well. By adding a few drops of essential oil to the rice, your wardrobe will start to smell lovely! There’s no need to buy expensive air fresheners or scented sachets; you can make this yourself very easily. And this way, you can also pick and choose what you like and find the perfect scent for you.

Find out how this trick works below the picture!

This is how you make it:

All you need is one cup of rice (white rice works best), some essential oil, a bowl to put it in, a piece of cloth and an elastic band. Mix the rice with 15 to 20 drops of oil in the bowl. Take a piece of breathabe fabric (like a piece of an old T-shirt) and cover the bowl with it. Then, use an elastic band to fasten the cloth. Place the bowl of rice somewhere in your wardrobe where no kids or pets can get at it. You’ll need to replace the air freshener after a couple of months. If you used brown rice instead of white rice, you’ll need to replace it sooner, because brown rice spoils more quickly than it’s white counterpart.

You can use rice for a great many things! Do you want to know how to use rice to fix your phone after it’s become wet? Or are you curious how rice can turn a brown banana back to its yellow colour again? Go to the next page!

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