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Four common mistakes that make your home hotter instead of cooler

And this is how to actually make it cooler!

It’s been very hot for a while now and the forecasts tell us this isn’t going to change any time soon. If you want to prevent yourself from getting struck down by the heat, you’ll have to somehow turn your home into a cool oasis. But, how do you go about that exactly?

The first step in making your home cooler is to avoid making these four mistakes!

1. Opening the windows

For a lot of people, the first thing they think of when they want to cool down their home is opening the windows. That way, you at least have some fresh air coming in, right? Well, no. This is actually a big mistake, because when you open up the windows when the weather is hot, the warm air from outside will come into your home. The result: your home will be even warmer than before. That’s not what you want! The best thing to do is to close the windows in the morning and only open them up again in the evenings, when it has cooled down. That way you can air out your home throughout the night so it becomes cooler again.

2. Devices

A common mistake in this heat is to leave all of your devices turned on. Devices that generate heat (like lamps, televisions and other electronic devices) can actually collectively heat up a room quite a bit. It’s best to turn them off when you’re not using them. Also avoid using the stove or oven as much as you can: turning these on will cause the temperature in your home to rise rather rapidly.

3. Curtains

It seems like the logical thing to do: you wake up in the morning and the first thing you do is opening all of the curtains. It’s a brand new day, after all! It’s not the smartest thing to do when it’s hot out, though. You’re better off keeping the curtains closed on hot days, especially in the afternoons. That way, you make sure the heat stays out. The right time to open your curtains again is when you’re airing out your home in the evening, when it’s cool again.

4. Pillows

Another mistake some people make is that they leave their sofas and chairs covered in pillows and blankets during the summer months. This is actually not a smart thing to do, because all of these items made out of fabric actually retain heat quite a bit. Make your home ready for summer by putting away all of the pillows, blankets, quilts and other things you don’t need. You can put them back when autumn rolls around!

Read more: Never have lukewarm drinks again: with this trick cans and bottles will be cool within 5 minutes!

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Source: Leuke Geit | Image: Pexels