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Is your home a mess? This is the room you should clean first

1. Think about what you can see from your bed

Is your desk placed directly opposite your bed and is it always a mess? Or are you looking at a clothing rack that looks a bit too nonchalant most of the time? Make sure you keep these places tidy. That way, the last thing you see before you go to sleep isn’t a mess.

2. Don’t put too many things on your nightstand

Do you have four books piled up on your nightstand? Move three of those to the living room. The chances of you wanting to read four books at a time are pretty slim, so that’s why you should only keep the book you are currently reading on your nightstand. You should also remove all of the items you do not use every night from your nightstand, like that bottle of nose spray you used when you had a cold that one time.

3. Move items you don’t really need to keep in the bedroom

Not everyone has the luxury of having a lot of space, but if you have a bookcase in your bedroom that could also fit in your living room, move it there. “The fewer items in your bedroom, the fewer stress hormones the clutter will evoke and the easier you’ll sleep at night,” McCubbin states. According to her, this will also make it much easier to fall asleep at night.

Read more: 5 things you shouldn’t store in your bathroom

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Source: MBG Lifestyle | Image: Pexels

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