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Get rid of garden weeds with this cheap and easy trick! No chemicals needed!

garden weeds

You only need a few simple ingredients to get rid of garden weeds

When the sun is shining, it can be utterly relaxing to work in the garden for a little bit. Although, when we think of working in the garden, we’re mainly thinking of planting seeds or moving plants to different pots. Unfortunately, removing garden weeds is also part of the package. You could just get down on your knees and pull out the weeds by hand, but that’s a bit of an annoying chore. Luckily, there’s a much easier way to get rid of weeds.

This easy trick will help you and your garden.


You can buy all kinds of fancy chemicals to make weeds disappear, but that isn’t exactly healthy or good for the environment. Instead, you could also make your own homemade herbicide, which is just as effective (or even more effective) and not aggressive at all – except when it comes to removing weeds. So, how do you make it? It’s very simple.

This is what you need

  • 480 ml white vinegar
  • 140 g salt
  • a dash of dish soap
  • a large spray bottle

This is what you need to do:

  • Put the white vinegar, salt and dish soap into the spray bottle. Mix it together properly, so the salt dissolves as much as possible. If it doesn’t dissolve, the bottle can get clogged.
  • Spray the mixture onto the weeds, but make sure you don’t spray any of it on your flowers or plants, because this will cause those to die as well.
  • Do you have trouble with the spray bottle getting clogged anyway? You can also try making a mixture that consists of 240 ml water and 240 ml vinegar.

Read more: Always finding your neighbor’s cats in your garden? This cat-friendly trick will keep them away!

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Source: Natural Living Ideas | Image: Pixabay