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This family has been using the same real Christmas tree for 35 years


Granted, it’s not the prettiest tree anymore

For a lot of people, it’s a thorny issue every year: are we buying a real Christmas tree or are we going to invest in a fake one? Or do you optimistically buy a tree with root only to accidentally let it die later? This American family decided to go about it differently. Thirty-five years ago, they bought a Christmas tree and it’s still alive today. They’ve cared for it all those years and have decorated it every year as well.

It has saved them a ton of money and it’s good for the environment!

The eighties

The Mistretta family from California bought a Scotch pine tree in 1983 to serve as their Christmas tree. They decorated it and it looked as festive as can be with the twinkling lights and fun decorations. After Christmas was over, the family felt it was a pity to throw away the tree, so they decided to put in a pot in the garden. This turned out to be a good move because the Christmas tree has lasted for 35 years already. Every year, they move the tree back into their home and decorate it again.

Thing of beauty

We have to admit that the tree is no longer really a thing of beauty. Since the tree got too tall for their home, father Joe cut off the top part. Since then, the tree no longer grew upwards, but it has grown outwards, making it look more like a big type of bush now.

Go to the next page to see this 35-year-old Christmas tree!

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